2016-17 Gallery
37 photos
Farewell Year 6
The end of the year always brings some goodbyes and, of course, our main goodbye is to the Year 6...
20 photos
Last assembly 20th June
The last assembly of the year was a time for poetry. Year 3 read some humorous poetry and Year 6...
14 photos
Assembly 15th June
The Arabic Deparrtment took over the assembly this week. The Year 3 sang a lovely song and the...
47 photos
Science Fair
A day that we all look forward to is the day of the Science Fair and this year was no exception....
37 photos
Assembly 8th June
The youngest members of our school entertained us with songs showing us how they can count...
21 photos
Assembly 1st June
Year 3 were the hosts of this assembly and performed a 'typical' day in their class. It looked...
26 photos
Bake Sale 25th May
The Year 6 girls arranged another Bake Sale. Once again, it was a great success! Thanks to...
61 photos
Assembly 25th May
This assembly was full of a variety of things. It started with Years 1 and 2 telling us, and...
17 photos
Assembly 16th March 2017
Year 6 have been making changes to traditional stories and performed one of the stories. This was...
14 photos
Assembly 9th March 2017
Our assembly, this time, was held in the Library due to work being done in the hall. It made...
167 photos
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The British School of Benghazi was proud to perform 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' to family and...
73 photos
Sports Day parts 2 & 3
162 photos
Sports Day
Sports Day is always a favourite with both staff and children. This year was no exception. The...
27 photos
Assembly 23rd February
It is always a pleasure to watch our youngest members of school perform and this day was no...
26 photos
Bake Sale!
Some of the girls in Year 6 organised a Bake Sale to raise money for a good cause. The children...
116 photos
Book week
Book Week, or Reading Week, is always an exciting time of year. As well as reading a little more,...
8 photos
Assembly 9th February 2017
On 9th February Year 5 hosted the assembly and told us about some famous people who lived during...
7 photos
Assembly 2nd February 207
Year 3 hosted the assembly this week and told us about the beginnings of our universe.
13 photos
Assembly 26th Jan 2017
This week we were treated to a different kind of assembly. Mrs. Peedell hosted the assembly and...
9 photos
Assembly 19th Jan 2017
As always, Year 6 came to our rescue at the beginning of the new term and hosted the first...
10 photos
back to school
Another year has started and on the first day we saw many old faces as well as quite a lot of new...
3 photos
Assembly 29th September
Our first assembly was to find our house teams and get to know our team mates. Of course, the...
10 photos
Assembly 13th October
Year 6 hosted the assembly and entertained us with a beautiful song. We then saw how many...
1 photo
Assembly 20th October
On 20th October Year 3 hosted our assembly and read a play about ‘The Wolf and the Seven Little...
32 photos
UN Day
United Nations was celebrated on 24th October and the whole school joined in to 'plant' their...