

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The British School of Benghazi was proud to perform 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' to family and friends on two evenings last week. The story of the plague of rats, which over-ran the town of Hamelin, is well-known. The Pied Piper came to town, played his flute and lead the rats into the river, where they drowned. When he went to the town council to receive the agreed payment, the council, thinking that as the rats were gone they were safe, refused to pay him. The Piper, though, played another tune and lead all the town's children into the mountain, never to be seen again - all except one poor, lame boy, who remained as a reminder that we must all pay our dues!
Children from both Juniors and Infants took part and had spent many hours practising learning lines, songs and actions. They were both nervous and excited when the time came to perform and they all did very well. Congratulations to all!